A Functional Medicine Approach to SIBO

While the colon contains a diverse eco-system consisting of (bacteria, fungi,  and parasites), the small intestine is normally very sparse in comparison.With SIBO, we see an overgrowth of bacteria  in the small intestine where they are not usually present to such a high degree. in comparison to the colon. The bacteria are then able to act on undigested, fermentable carbohydrates, producing symptoms such as gas, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea and bloating. Patients with SIBO can also suffer from weight loss and malabsorption, nutritional deficiencies, skin issues and osteoporosis amongst other issues when dealing with this condition.

SIBO Causes

The cause of SIBO is multifactorial and it normally affects more than one of the protective mechanisms we have in the gut.  These include a change in the acidity of the gut where the PH changes to make it less acidic making it easier for the bacteria to grow, a dysregulation of the continuous waves of bowel wall muscular function, called the migrating motor complex, from the stomach to its final destination in the colon. A change to the immunoglobulins in the intestinal fluid, and a malfunctioning ileocecal valve that normally allows the flow of contents into the large bowel but then prevents it from re-entering the small bowel. Physical issues in the gut such as Crohn’s and Diverticulitis which can cause an abnormal build-up of bacteria in the small intestines. There are also medications that disrupt our microbiome which include PPI, antibiotics and steroids, 

SIBO Risk Factors

Common SIBO Symptoms

SIBO Treatment

In addition to SIBO testing, we generally look to test the large bowel (through microbiome testing in the form of a stool test) to see if there are any imbalances, as SIBO is generally an issue with the broader eco-system rather than just the small bowel.. With SIBO treatment, the overall goal is to reduce bacteria in the small intestine and prevent relapse by addressing the underlying causes that led to SIBO. Our approach is to take a holistic approach that can include a number of interventions.

At the London Centre for functional Medicine, we use an approach that incorporates nutrition and diet, herbal antibiotics and nutritional supplements, to ensure we get rid of the infection and prevent it from returning.

Our approach includes

SIBO Approach

Optimal Nutrition and Absorption

Depending on the type of SIBO, we can use a number of different nutritional approaches to help with absorption and motility issues.

Supplement Support

The type of SIBO will affect the supplements we will recommend to treat the condition as well as looking at supportive nutrients for helping increase immunity and gut repair such as glutamine, slippery elm and DGL

How to test for SIBO

The gold standard approach to test for SIBO is by using a breath test. The SIBO breath test measures the level of hydrogen/methane gases following a 24-hour prep diet and an overnight fast. NHS SIBO testing is the same test but it has to go through a gastroenterologist which can take several months.

Targeted Treatments

Our practitioners can recommendations additional treatment or lifestyle interventions that have proven effects to help you overcome a specific digestive condition.

Our Client's Feedback

Why Choose the London Centre for Functional Medicine?


Once you reach out to us, the team will guide you through the collaborative process with a practitioner, We will gather the information we need to understand you better and help support and motivate you along your health journey.


We take the complex and try to make it simple. Many patients have gone to multiple doctors before they reach us. By taking a functional medicine approach, we can focus on the core imbalance and what needs to be addressed to improve your health picture.

Custom Approach

There is no one size fits approach as each patient is unique. Thus, no plan or protocol is the same. Everything about you including symptoms, lifestyle, diet, genetics and capacity to heal is different and will require a personalized approach.

london center for functional medicine

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