
A Functional Medicine Approach to Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a  skin condition that can occur at any age and affects both males and females equally and is considered autoimmune.Under usual circumstances, skin cells undergo a regeneration cycle spanning approximately 3-4 weeks. However, in cases of psoriasis, this cycle undergoes significant acceleration, with skin cells being replaced every 2-6 days. This rapid turnover leads to immature skin cells reaching the surface before they’re fully developed, thus impeding their timely shedding. Consequently, these cells accumulate on the surface, forming characteristic psoriatic plaques.

Psoriasis can manifest on any body part, including the scalp, elbows, knees, and nails.

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The cause of psoriasis isn’t fully understood. It’s considered an immune system issue where the immune system  mistakenly attack healthy skin cells, and stimulate the proliferation of keratinocytes.

Researches believe that a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors contributes to the onset of this immune dysfunction. Individuals with a family history of psoriasis face an elevated likelihood of developing the condition. Psoriasis can also be triggered by various factors such as infections, cold and dry climates, skin injuries, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and sudden cessation of corticosteroid medications.


We know from recent research that there is now a significant correlation between the gut and psoriasis, indicating the potential influence of gut health on the onset and severity of the disease. The gut microbiome appears to differ in composition among individuals with psoriasis compared to those without the condition. Certain gut bacteria may affect immune responses and inflammation, potentially impacting psoriasis development. Additionally, studies suggest a possible association between psoriasis and heightened intestinal permeability, known as “leaky gut,” which could allow harmful substances to enter the bloodstream, triggering immune reactions and exacerbating systemic inflammation, thereby worsening psoriasis symptoms.

Other causes include


In tradtional medicine, the initial treatment for psoriasis typically involves the application of emollient and steroid creams. For more severe cases, medications targeting the turnover of skin cells  may be prescribed.

At the London Centre for Functioanl medicne our approach entails a comprehensive and tailored strategy aimed at addressing the root causes of the condition rather than solely alleviating symptoms. Our experienced practitioners adopt a holistic perspective, examining factors like genetics, environment, lifestyle, diet, gut health, and immune system function. Through an integrative approaches such as nutritional adjustments, lifestyle modifications, and the use of nutraceuticals, they aim to identify and address the underlying triggers of psoriasis for each individual.

Our Approach

Optimal Nutrition and Absorption

Following an anti-inflammatory, nutritious diet has shown to be beneficial for Psoriasis. By emphasizing whole foods with anti-inflammatory properties, abundant nutrients, and a wealth of healthy fats, we are able to reduce inflammation related to Psoriasis.

Supplement Support

We recommend clinically validated topical and oral micronutrients, probiotics, and targeted supplements for managing psoriasis and enhancing skin vitality. Supplemental protocols are always customized based on patient lab results and what is driving the condition.


Our functional medicine practitioners can provide guidance on specialised tests for food alleries, environmental testing, gut health—includingmicrobiome testing—to identify underlying triggers that may be causing skin issues.

Targeted Treatments

Our practitioners can recommend additional treatment or lifestyle interventions that have proven effects to help you overcome psoriasis.

Our Client's Feedback

Why Choose the London Centre for Functional Medicine?


Once you reach out to us, the team will guide you through the collaborative process with a practitioner, We will gather the information we need to understand you better and help support and motivate you along your health journey.


We take the complex and try to make it simple. Many patients have gone to multiple doctors before they reach us. By taking a functional medicine approach, we can focus on the core imbalance and what needs to be addressed to improve your health picture.

Custom Approach

There is no one size fits approach as each patient is unique. Thus, no plan or protocol is the same. Everything about you including symptoms, lifestyle, diet, genetics and capacity to heal is different and will require a personalized approach.

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