Children’s Health

A Functional Medicine Approach to Children's Health

Most parents aspire to raise a happy, healthy child. While childhood illness can quite stressful for you, it’s a natural part of them developing a strong immune system and healthy development. However, when they do get sick, and they always do, what is important is how quickly they recover. Our practitioners can help your child to support a healthy immune system so they are not subject to severe and repeated infections and illnesses.

A typical child is exposed to refined foods, excessive sugar, environmental toxins, vaccinations, antibiotics and other medications. This has a negative effect on children’s health and contributes to many health problems, especially as a child’s health status for the rest of their life is formed in childhood. We recommend that any childhood illnesses are always addressed as soon as possible, in order to prevent chronic conditions from occurring.

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Discussion Points

Breastfeeding support

Solid food introduction


Anxiety symptoms in children and teens

Teething and sleep maintenance

Behavioural challenges ​

Common Symptoms


At the London Centre for functional medicine, our functional medicine practitioners that specialize in children can help advise on a matter of areas related to children’s health such as introduction to solids, immunisation support, optimal childhood nutrition and weaning your baby, as well as advise you on appropriate remedies to have on hand at home for infections and minor conditions. We understand that changing a child’s diet be difficult at times, however, we will be able to help you and your child to make gradual changes that can create a significant difference.

Our Client's Feedback

Why Choose the London Centre for Functional Medicine?


Once you reach out to us, the team will guide you through the collaborative process with a practitioner, We will gather the information we need to understand you better and help support and motivate you along your health journey.


We take the complex and try to make it simple. Many patients have gone to multiple doctors before they reach us. By taking a functional medicine approach, we can focus on the core imbalance and what needs to be addressed to improve your health picture.

Custom Approach

There is no one size fits approach as each patient is unique. Thus, no plan or protocol is the same. Everything about you including symptoms, lifestyle, diet, genetics and capacity to heal is different and will require a personalized approach.

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