Autoimmune Conditions

A Functional Medicine Approach To Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases affect millions of people in the UK and on a global basis and are being reported at ever-increasing rates on a yearly basis. It’s also one leading cause of death in women under the age of 65. There are over 80 different types of auto-immune diseases including Graves disease, Psoriasis, Lupus, type 1 diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and so many more. Auto-immune diseases are multifactorial and are deeply rooted in systemic inflammation. They often begin from an allergen, pathogenic infection, toxin or  a foreign food protein overoading the body causing an abnormal immune response.

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A genetic disposition often comes into play. with secific variations in genes, known as polymorphisms, setting the stage for autoimmunity by altering the regulation of immune cells.  Stealth infections such as undiagnosed bacterial and viral infections, which are often overlooked, play a huge role in autoimmune conditions with an accompanying leaky gut causing even more widespread inflammation. For example, H pylori  infection can initiate  thyroid autoimmunity. Lyme disease  has shown to provoke autoimmunity in the cardiovascular system. Epstein Barr Virus   infection  has been linked to Hashimoto’s. RA has links to many gut infections. Chlamydia pneumoniae, Epstein-Barr and Human Herpes virus 6 are associated with Multiple Sclerosis. Once these pre-existing infections are treated, autoimmune tend to heal a lot quicker. Other issues that can cause autoimmune are mold toxicity, hormonal imbalances and mitochondria dysfunction .

Once the underlying condition is resolved and imbalances are corrected and the gut starts to heal, we are able to treat, support and manage the condition successfully.

Common Symptoms


While conventional medicine has limited options for the treatment for autoimmune disease, at the London Centre for Functional Medicine we always look to understand the imbalance that is creating the symptoms.  We ensure we take a thorough client history and by looking at some of the triggers that may be causing their immune system to run out of control.

Treatments can include removing food triggers from the diet, treating gut infections and correcting gut permeability, addressing liver issues which affect detoxification, correcting hormonal imbalances and helping to stabilize stress responses. Any diet and lifestyle changes can be recommended with the aim of making any changes designed to fit the client’s needs and lifestyle. 


Diet and Nutrition Protocols

Anti-inflammatory diet protocols, such as the AIP diet. We will also look to set if there any nutrients defiencies inlcuding zinc, vitamin D and selenium which can help regulate immune function.

Supplement Support

Natural immune-modulatory and anti Inflammatory compounds to help reduce the inflammatory response and reduce the incidence of flare-ups.

Testing and Diagnostics

We work on the motto of testing rather than guessing which can be quicker and cheaper in the long run. Our practitioners can recommend specific testing including gut health testing, which can inlcuding leaky gut tesing, SIBO breath test and Candida testing. We can also look at DNA testing to show which susceptibilities you may have from a genetic standpoint.

Targeted Treatments

Our practitioners can recommendations additional treatment or lifestyle interventions such as heavy metal detoxification protocols or IV drip therapy.

Our Client's Feedback

Why Choose the London Centre for Functional Medicine?


Once you reach out to us, the team will guide you through the collaborative process with a practitioner, We will gather the information we need to understand you better and help support and motivate you along your health journey.


We take the complex and try to make it simple. Many patients have gone to multiple doctors before they reach us. By taking a functional medicine approach, we can focus on the core imbalance and what needs to be addressed to improve your health picture.

Custom Approach

There is no one size fits approach as each patient is unique. Thus, no plan or protocol is the same. Everything about you including symptoms, lifestyle, diet, genetics and capacity to heal is different and will require a personalized approach.

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